Don’t Mix Psychiatrists with Psychologists

b3Mostly we use terms, “psychiatrist” and “psychology” interchangeably. According to us both do the same thing and there is no difference between them. But in reality, it is not a truth. Their education, scope, and powers are totally different. There is an ensuing debate with these two terms, and people get confused from whom to actually seek help from.  That is why it is very important to understand the difference between them.

Use of suffixes:-

The first difference lies in the suffixes of the terms. The “-iatry” means medical treatment and the “-ology” of psychology means science. This means that while psychology refers to the study of the psyche, a psychiatrist is a person who treats the medical condition. There are so many good psychiatrists in Dallas TX that can be hired.

Field of education:-

The parameters also differ in their field of education that is needed to garner the knowledge in the subsequent fields. While a psychologist would study for more than five to seven years depending on the graduation and post graduation course, psychiatrists are medical doctors by their profession.

Medical prescription:-

The other difference lies in the fact that a psychologist cannot prescribe medication to a patient. They can only use a series of psychotherapy and counseling to treat the condition. The psychiatrist can use psychotherapy, counseling, and medications to treat a patient.

These all above are some of the major differences that you need to know about the psychiatrists and psychologists. Your good knowledge about these professionals will help you to hire a suitable one. But still, you if you are confused and not able to determine when you can join us. We are “Institute For Advanced Psychiatry” specialized in treating mental disorders. We offer our expert services online. Hence you can enjoy our services from anywhere at any time. Here you can also hire the best psychiatrists of Dallas. You just need to visit our official website []

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