Insomnia the Most Common Psychiatrist Problem

Psychiatry is a medical specialty treatment which diagnoses and cure the effects of mental disorders. Now a days you will find it very common that people are suffering from different mental illnesses. One of the very common disorder which comes under psychiatry Fort Worth is Insomnia. Insomnia is a medical condition in which patient find it difficult to fall sleep or to stay asleep for enough time. In a study it is revealed that almost 10 % of the youngsters are somehow experiencing insomnia.

There are basically three types of insomnia which are characterized as transit insomnia, acute or short-term insomnia, and the last category is chronic insomnia. Transient insomnia continues less than a week whereas and acute and short-term insomnia can last for a longer period of time as compare to transit insomnia.insomnia

The reasons or roots of transit and acute insomnia can be very simple change in routine life or could be a complex mental situation. But the most common reasons behind it can be intaking too much of caffeine, using mobile phone or other digital gadgets for a longer period of time, having dinner very late in evening, sleeping in a noisy or uncomfortable place can lead to transit and acute insomnia. The cause can be anything which changes the rhythm of the body. People who are dealing first and second level of insomnia can be cured by just simply taking proper rest and eating healthy food on time.

The third type which is chronic insomnia can last for a month or much more time. In this category the patient has to visit a doctor or a psychiatrist. The most common reasons for chronic insomnia are anxiety, stress, and depression. The age group which is most commonly affected by chronic insomnia is between 40 to 60 years old. People dealing with difficult situations in life come under stress and depression and hence lead to develop sleeping problems.

It is very important to prevent or shield our young generation from these type of psychiatry disorders. To know more about different types of psychiatry disorders and how to diagnose and cure them please visit us at


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